「投稿者」請將電子檔案寄至本季刊電子郵件信箱:[email protected]。寄送後懇請以電話確認,《實構築》將配合辦理您的稿件整理。
- 作品請事先委託專業攝影師拍攝,照片請提供大檔給本季刊,以 3508x4961、300dpi 為佳,約提供 20~30 張照片即可。
- 請提供基本圖面:配置、平面、立面、剖面、細部詳圖、手繪等。(圖面請標示比例尺、指北、尺寸請標柱心~柱心即可,剖面請標示剖線位置)
- 作品類型包含建築、室內、老屋改建、臨時性裝置及展覽等空間相關作品。
- 請附上投稿者姓名、事務所及公司、電話、地址、電子信箱等聯繫方式。
Please submit your work electronically to our email address at [email protected] and confirm your submission with us. Architecture+ Tectonics Taiwan will proceed to review your materials. Please contact Ya-Ling Su, Deputy Editor in Chief at +886-2-2302-2495.
Project Submission:
Please send high-resolution photos prepared by a professional photographer. The ideal format is 3508 x 4961 pixels in 300 dpi. Approximately 20 to 30 photos will suffice. Please provide basic drawings: site plan, floor plans, elevations, sections, details, hand sketches, etc. (Drawings must include scale and north arrow, along with centerline-to-centerline column dimensions and cutting lines for sections.)
We accept any spatial design works including architecture, interior design, renovations, temporary installations and exhibitions.
Submitted works must include contact information, e.g. author's name, firm/company, phone number, address, email address, etc.
Article Submission:
We welcome essays or commentaries on subjects including architecture, urban studies and spatial design.
Please provide an "Article Outline" and "Summary" to the editorial board first. You will be remunerated upon publication of your work. The magazine is not responsible for any copyright fees and/or legal liabilities for any photographs and images used in the article. - The author must ensure proper authorization for the photographs and images.
The review process for submitted projects and articles requires approximately 2~3 weeks.
The editorial board will contact you for further information and/or other related projects/articles when upon acceptance of your work for publication.
Our magazine promotes international exposure of projects from Taiwan. Thus, you will be asked to provide a "Statement of Design" and "Abstract" in English upon acceptance of your work for publication.
Should you have any further questions regarding submission, please do not hesitate to contact us via email and we will reply as soon as possible.