阿羅拉廣場 Square in Álora. Compás de las Ánimas y del Nazareno


Square in Álora. Compás de las Ánimas y del Nazareno


阿羅拉鎮(Álora)在哈丘山脈(Sierra del Hacho)順著地形蜿蜒發展,俯瞰馬拉加海岸(Málaga)與瓜達洛塞河谷(Valley of Guadalhorce)。阿羅拉鎮的城堡是當地景點之一,城堡周圍是古老的「Arrabal」(阿拉伯區)。阿羅拉鎮擁有豐富有趣的悠久歷史,摩爾人曾在此對抗天主教勢力,而此處也是馬拉圭尼亞的發源地(malagueña,一種佛朗明哥曲式)。

為了修建公共設施並重新吸引遊客,阿羅拉曾舉辦翻新及改造城堡周邊地區的建築競賽。我們提出一個名為「tapestry scale 1:1」的介入方案,捕捉這片美景散發的能量。猶如一張石造地圖,引導遊客去觀察、探索、了解和體驗阿羅拉的文化景觀。第一階段完成的,是一個名為「靈魂與拿撒勒的節奏」(Compás de las Ánimas y del Nazareno)的小廣場。

這個小廣場位在兩棟古老住宅之間,發揮「compás」的功能(等待或休息用的戶外空間)。廣場的名字結合城堡內小教堂的兩件宗教作品:「靈魂聖母」(Virgen de las Ánimas)與「拿撒勒的耶穌」(Jesús Nazareno de las Torres)。每年復活節的耶穌受難日遊行,都會在這座小廣場前停留。因此,這個空間在復活節期間猶如聖壇。

藉由建材質地、色彩、植物香氣、文字和地磚的巧妙互動,小廣場不但展現了阿羅哈的在地歷史,突顯它的宗教現況,也成為居民與遊客邂逅的空間。牆上的文字訴說發現座天使的神奇過程。風化的岩石湧出「靈魂泉源」(pilar de las Ánimas)。沿著斜坡建造長長的石凳,周圍有芳香的植物環繞。斜坡盡頭是一道宛如飄浮魔毯的階梯,引領我們走向高處,俯瞰瓜達洛塞河谷。所有的材料都根據自身特色加以應用。希望藉此反映阿羅拉在地文化與豐富歷史的些許精髓。


譯註2:Compás 是佛朗明哥的曲調節奏

About the place and the intervention

Álora is placed as a bow of the mountainous landscape of Sierra del Hacho facing to the coast of Málaga and the Valley of Guadalhorce. One of its Its main highlights is its Castle surrounded by an ancient Arrabal (arab quarter). The village has a rich and interesting history related to the Moorish defence against the Catholics and about the beginings of the malagueña, a kind of flamenco song.

It took place an architectural competition for refurbishing and renovating the castle surroundings in order to renovate public facilities as well as attract new travellers. We purposed an intervention called “tapestry scale 1:1 which captures the energy of its landscape. It would be a kind of stone map which would help the visitant to see, discover, know and experience the cultural landscape. The first phase of the complete intervention has been a small square called Compás de las Ánimas y del Nazareno.

Compás de las Ánimas y del Nazareno

It occupies the place of two ancient dwellings. It would be used as a compás (open air place for waiting or resting). It takes the name from the religious images guarded in the Chapel of the Castle: the Virgen de las Ánimas and Jesús Nazareno de las Torres. Their street processions take place on Holy Friday during Easter and stop in the front of the compás. Thus, the space, during Easter, would be like a tribune. Thanks to its textures, colours, aromas, texts and pavements, it shows its domestic past, underline its religious present and offers itself to the meeting of inhabitants and travellers. In its walls some texts tell the amazing discovering of the thrones.

The “fountain of the souls”, pilar de las Ánimas, it’s a spring which blows water through the eroded stone. The slope is used for creating long stone benches surrounded by aromatic plants. It finishes in a stair seeming a floating carpet which takes us to an upper belvedere to the Valley of Guadalhorce. The materials are used following their own truth. We would like having captured a bit of the essence of the rich history of the cultural landscape of Álora.