中央研究院美國研究中心 Center for American Study of Academia Sinica


Center for American Study of Academia Sinica

王秋華×古德曼×大唐建築師事務所|Chiu-Hwa Wang × Percival Goodman × Tang Architects













1970年時,美國因能源問題導致建築工作受頗嚴重影響,父親原希望我早些返台工作,但我們事務所最忙之時約有十八位同事,但此時只有三、五人,我如何可以離開。約1972年我曾為中華民國的新聞局改造一座紐約市的舊房屋為他們的辦公室,稍緩我又在華盛頓整修一座中華民國的大使館,所以和古先生討論後,便把他的公司名稱由Percival Goodman, Architect, New York.改為Percival Goodman/Chiu Hwa Wang, Architect, New York. 但在1972年左右,父親因常至美國開會,一方面與旅美之中央研究院院士會晤,一方面亦與美國科學界人士會晤,他可以請一些美國科學家到台灣來講學,他已經把自己的很多書都送給中研院了,他便囑我須為中央研究院設一個新的美國研究中心,我和古先生便立刻開始設計。這研究中心須有圖書館,九間研究人員研究室,一個大的會議廳及辦公人員工作室,古先生與我做好初步設計後,我便回到台灣看基地,基地旁邊有一條狹長河道,每年夏天漲水便會浸佔基地,我便將基地提高一公尺多,並將入口轉移至遠離河口處。那時台灣尚不能提供空調,但我把南向斜屋頂做成雙層,空氣由斜屋頂低部進入,再於雙層斜屋頂之高端用抽風機將熱空氣抽出,即可使下部空間維持較舒適之涼爽度,同時於窗口設遮陽板,並將主樓層自地面提高,下方可供臨時停車並可按當時法規要求,於空襲時提供逃生躲避處所。我在美國時已學會如何防止多雨區域外牆漏水,須將外牆由二片磚牆組合,中間留一吋左右空間,可令入侵之雨水流至外牆底端設法導出,但當時台灣尚無適當鐵片組成洩水管道,所以外牆漏水並毀壞大廳地毯,只好拆去外牆重建。圖書館位於二樓並提供局部夾層,但仍不夠貯放書架,最後因中研院其他建物可供會議使用,館方便將我們原設計之演講廳坡度填平,改為藏書使用,奈何?我在台灣停留約三至四月,乃返回美國工作。

My late father, Dr. Shih-Chieh Wang , Dean of Academia Sinica from 1962-70, feeling the importance of cultural exchange between Chinese and American scholars, established in 1964 and 1966 The Sino-American Scientific Cooperative Committee and The Sino-American Humanitarian Committee. And in 1970 he planned the Center for American Studies (*) on the campus of Academia Sinica, with the following requirements:

1. a Research Library of 100,000 volumes and about 40 readers

2. study rooms for 9-10 Research Fellows and a lounge

3. a Conference Room, seminar rooms and offices

4. a 300 seat Auditorium (there were then no large assembly space in the Academia) (**)

The Site

The building is located in the Nan-Gang district of Taipei City. It is sited in a rice field within the south-west corner of the Academia campus. There is a deep-set stream on its eastern border (not protected by a dam till many years later) which overflows to 1 meter above the site during the typhoon season each year.

The principle road on the campus borders the northern edge of the site, while the Historic Language Research Institute is situated on the east side of the site amid a densely grown shrubbery.

Design Solution

1. The main entrance is located at the south-west corner, raised 1 meter above grade to avert flooding while providing a car parking basement space below.

2. The building is a reinforced concrete construction. The use of red brick walls and grey tile roofs harmonizes with neighboring buildings while its composition is in the modern brutalist language.

3. There is an emphasis on natural light and ventilation, a double-layered roof with a built-in exhaust fan further provides coolness during the summer season.

4. The research Library is placed on the L-shaped 2nd floor with a mezzanine balcony.

(*) The building name has been later changed to European & American Research Institute.

(**) The Auditorium was later changed to a library stock room.