

Architect Tsumunaga Matsugasaki Baron and his works:National monument Hsinchu Station 1913

張崑振 Kun-Chen Chang


Tsumunaga Matsugasaki was the first generation of Japanese Architects to graduate from architectural school in Germany. Due to his imperial family background, he had always been a legendary architect. He was one of the four architects who established the Japanese Society of Architects during the Meiji period. Matsugasaki left behind many important architectural works during his ten years in Taiwan, including The Hsinchu Train Station, a national designated monument, built in 1913. This station is important in the history of Taiwan's architecture and railway development. It is furthermore an important masterpiece of Japanese architecture during the Taisho period. This article introduces the life of Matsuzaki and the architectural values of the Hsinchu Station with details of the life of Baron Matsuzaki, the architectural historic variations and features of the station.