嘉卿會所・台豐球場 Chia Ching House.Taifong Golf Club


Chia Ching House.Taifong Golf Club

阿爾瓦羅.西薩 × 卡洛斯.卡斯達內拉 × 黃明威建築師事務所 × 廖嘉舜建築師事務所 × 何侯設計|Alvaro Siza × Carlos Castanheira Architect × Studiobase Architects × Fielddirektor × Ho+Hou Studio Architects


繼2014年西薩會所(Siza House)率先啟用之後,相隔六年,嘉卿會所(Chia Ching House)於2020年十月正式落成啟用。以低調、純粹且俐落、乾淨的空間配置在量體虛實之間融入既有的基地紋理,因地制宜地回應高爾夫球場得天獨厚的豐富地貌,並滿足國際級運動賽事需求與尊榮會員休閒娛樂的多項功能。





Architectural poems wandering the greens: Taifong Golf Club

Following the opening of The Siza House in 2014, The Chia Ching House was officially opened in October 2020. With a low-key, pure, neat, and clean spatial configuration, It weaves between the virtual and the physical volume. Responding to the unique and rich landscape of the golf course according to local conditions, it meets the demands of international sports events and the entertainment of honorable members.

Changing Scenery: Reason and Sensibility

One of the most difficult challenges in this design is the management of circulation in a state of continuous spatial expansion and the complexity of varies functional requirements. By the clever arrangement of various functions, the main spaces such as the reception hall, banquet plaza, super-car club, restaurant are vertically divided from service spaces such as parking, shower, kitchen, and maintenanc. This created several corridors where one can stop and wonder. The outdoor terrace for holding events provides VIP guests with a view to the Bagua Mountain. The structural columns are recessed, freely hollowing out non-structural wall in the long axis thus achieving material efficiency. And the hollowed out walls act as viewing apertures. The beautiful scenery of the land unfolds in a spatial layering akin to a Chinese garden. Upon entering the interior, the ceiling is deliberately lowered to create, creating a sense of contraction in the interior spaces and the expansion of the outdoor.

Flowing space: heavy and light

While the scattered spatial volumes have their own functions, there is an underlying structure and base facilities that tie the volumes together. There are 100 meters long continuous walls that express the flow of movement. In dimly lit spaces, skylight are deployed with a stroke of magic. The horizontal floor-to-ceiling windows are installed to greatly increase the opening area. The insulating glass guides the green scenery of the golf course from the outside to the inside. And the white painted exterior walls express both a sense of weight and lightness. These walls produce different rhythms of light and shadow over time, and the swaying shadow of the tree in the pool adds poetic space.