臺北藝術大學科技藝術館 Technology and Art Pavilion in TNUA


Technology and Art Pavilion in TNUA

大尺建築 × 郭旭原聯合建築師事務所|EHS ArchiLab × Hsuyuan Kuo Architect & Associates




Our design concept derives from two parallel lines of thinking: first, what kind of structure could echo the original forms and traditions of the campus architecture, and second, how to form new connections between campus spaces and create new areas of activity.

Originally, the campus displayed a mostly classical style of architecture, with sloping roofs, symmetrical shapes, and stable foundations firmly anchored on the sloping ground; spatial forms mostly featured central courtyards or tight clusters of buildings. But, as an experimental base for new media art at the Taiwan National University of the Arts (TNUA), the architectural spirit of the Center for Art and Technology ought to be "contemporary," or even "futuristic." Thus, with a design that hinges on the abstract and geometrical, the strategy here runs counter to the original campus tradition of classical architecture, and the building's lightness further presents a contrast to the heaviness of those original structures. The main body of the building is formed by the "black boxes" or "grey boxes" suspended from trusses mounted across its four giant structural columns; the spatial character of the black boxes or grey boxes is dictated both by their proposed use and their structural functions. Spaces inside the outer shell of the "black box" are connected by a ramp that satisfies service functions while also creating an air duct for natural ventilation. The future functions of the "grey box" spaces are not yet clearly defined, and its skin is composed of an outer wall with a light-permeable, expanded mesh cladding that creates diffuse lighting.

Likewise, by contrast with the inward-facing cohesion of most buildings on the campus, the huge suspended boxes of the Center for Art and Technology create a giant "rain canopy," under which lies an open and traversable plaza. As in the past, this area continues to be the entrance to the existing sports and swimming complex and a turnaround space for buses, but it can also serve as a site for exhibitions or performances, for student activities, or simply a platform for enjoying the spectacular scenery of the Guandu Plain. Continuing on from this space, which forms an extension of the main campus road, you reach a broad stairway that then further connects to a long upward path through the building, leading sometimes back in the direction of the campus and sometimes penetrating into the black box or its periphery, while also offering a grand view out onto to the broad Guandu Plain.