了了礁溪 VIVIR JiaoXi



自然洋行|Divooe Zein Architects

The present endeavor aspires to unveil, within the thriving urban expanse of Jiaoxi, a township adorned with edifices, an ambiance reminiscent of the tranquility found in the natural cavernous abode. A cavernous sanctuary, bearing an exterior akin to yielding softness and an interior of unwavering solidity, beckons contemplation. Its exterior cloak hints at the latent movement within the very form of the mountain. The pliant outer shell permits the unfoldment of all processes of erosion, allowing nature's gentlest touch. When the mountain assumes a state of habitation, when the facade of the mountain is peeled back, the mountain stands resolute, towering, erect, the surface a canvas for the myriad ballet of nature's expressions. Every stone's tumble, every leaf's descent, manifests the mountain's unveiling of self outwardly, whilst shaping an inner realm, a sanctuary of enveloping acts. The softness speaks in the language of materials, a woodland simulation where the malleable mountainous body nestles against the architectural skin.

Within a seven-story structure that spans seven above-ground levels and two subterranean, entry into this domain is a gradual descent, led by a sunken pedestrian pathway. Water features and subtle celestial light steer clear of the tumultuous automotive current, weaving a multi-faceted narrative of accommodations. Galleries, arboreal sanctuaries, grassy expanses, cavernous enclaves... these spaces mirror the once abundant aquatic landscapes in Jiaoxi, where islands of lush bamboo groves arose. They become a habitat, embracing a variety of life forms, human habitation, leisurely moments; a symbiotic coexistence with the natural world.

Externally, a substantial irregularly receding bamboo canopy is envisioned, with the intent to cultivate ferns, mosses, diverse vines, sedges, nectar sources, bamboo, medicinal herbs, and ground cover, amidst the vivid tapestry of the ecological milieu. It aspires to fashion a haven, both serene and natural, a protected haven of accommodation within the architectural embrace. Externally, it manifests as a resplendent multidimensional garden at every turn.

Synthesizing natural elements: The edifice's exterior is clad in an iridescent sequence of irregular curves, transmuting through layers, forming a bamboo sheath. Thousands of bamboo strands of the Mengzong variety are meticulously interwoven into a tensioned network, the bamboo retaining its natural epidermal membrane. Through carbonization, the bamboo's integrity reaches the echelons of archery-grade material. This process augments its longevity, bestowing it with the friction necessary for vegetation to ascend. Taiwan's bamboo yield surpasses 257,000 hectares annually. With its swift growth, abbreviated maturation period, and superior carbon sequestration, bamboo emerges as a beacon of green environmental stewardship.

Thus, it serves as a bulwark against the sun's westerly gaze, urban disarray, clamor, and the climbing endeavors of vegetation, performing a dual role of shielding and embellishment. The principal interior walls are adorned with the land rejuvenated from reservoir silt, incorporating materials celebrated for their breathability, moisture resistance, and stain resilience.

This proposal adopts a fundamental beam-column framework. Post-demolding, the external walls receive a direct application of high-polymer weather-resistant waterproofing. The overall spatial layout is streamlined, embracing a centralized rectangular structure, which concurrently mitigates the need for excessive concrete, requisite for load-bearing walls that require heightened cement quantities due to their role as retaining agents against water.

Thus elucidated is the comprehensive design resultant from the nuanced considerations of operational imperatives, urban morphology, natural material utilization, foundational construction, thermal spring techniques, and economic dynamics in Jiaoxi. Its aspiration is to realize differentiated lodging experiences and a landscape that burgeons with ever-evolving ecological richness.








