望海巷漁港景觀跨橋 WanHaiXiang Pedestrian Bridge


WanHaiXiang Pedestrian Bridge

一口規劃設計顧問有限公司|Ecoscope Inc.

The Wanhaixiang Bridge is one of a number of synchronized short to medium term measures conceived to trigger a larger-scale multi-dimensional urban-landscape operation. The objective of the operation is the construction of a ludic coastal itinerary spanning between an old railway station, scheduled to be reactivated to bring new tourists to the area, and an already consolidated cluster of museum buildings and coastal parks of cultural interest located approximately 3 kilometers away. This critical landscape is situated precisely at the geographic apex where the two distinctly prefigured faces of the urbanized coast of Taiwan touch; one (the west coast) characterized by an intensively-urbanized and heavily-industrialized continuous synthetic development, while the other (the east coast) more akin to nature, is identified as a uniquely narrow landscape corridor, squeezed between steep rolling hills of lyrical beauty and the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. A strategy based on feedback and multiplication, incorporation and juxtaposition of observed cultural, recreational, ecological, heritage, economic, and artistic activities, aims at weaving these together in a narrative that carries the visitor along the proposed renewed coastal itinerary.
