國立歷史博物館修復及再利用 The National History Museum Restoration and Reuse


The National History Museum Restoration and Reuse

嶼山工房+曾泊銘建築師事務所+張義震建築師事務所|Atelier Or + Pu-Ming Tseng Architects + I-Chen Chang Architects








The core issue of the restoration of The National Museum of History lies in defining the rich history and memories it carries. Through the renovation, we aim to open a sustainable museum that is urban-friendly, as well as connecting present and future. The preservation and restoration of the cultural heritage building consist of structural reinforcement, the comprehensive installation of mechanical, electrical, fire safety, and air conditioning systems. Our design concept and strategy are as follows:

I. Connecting the city, forming an open and equitable public service system for the museum.

In actively responding to the urban context, we opened up and organized the museum plaza, connecting the diverse scale of the urban open spaces of museums on Nanhai Road. Simultaneously, we introduced a new building opening and outdoor platform to extend the internal public service area of the museum. This created a museum public service system that is integrated to the open spaces.

II. Organizing spatial layout to interpret the central axis of the building, creating an open, flowing, maximized, and flexible exhibition system. 

We connected exhibition rooms across different floors with central staircases and voids. This allows the formation of spaces that can adapt to different scales and forms of exhibitions. Additionally, we constructed a comprehensive functional exhibition system including exhibition planning, preparation, transportation, and logistical support to ensure seamless operations.

III. The authentication of time

The design created a narrative for showcasing the historical relics on-site: restoration of traditional crafts such as roof tiles, paintings, arches, the red wall, and window frames. Windows, terraces, corridors, and rooftop platforms are integrated with the everyday life of the contemporary city and the seasonal changes of the lotus pond in the Taipei Botanical Garden.

We established a three-dimensional spatial axis. And in response to the building exterior we created spaces in shape of the Mandarin character “pin”, a triangular formation of squares. These design strategies form an open, fluid dialogue with the heterogeneous structure of the staircase.

The platform at the façade is integrated with public service functions; the platform design consists of abstract frameworks of human body scale, horizontally extending into the interior ceiling of the building. The glass walls layering created different perspectival views during the day and night, reflecting glimpses of the city and revealing the red wall and arches. These elements constructed a sort of ‘stepping back’ from time and space within the historical building of the museum. This sensation of ‘stepping back’ is a curatorial act, allowing the historical architecture back into the cultural realm of contemporary life and temporal changes. Thus history and memory are intertwined in the authentication of time and space, as well as a diverse and perceptual experience.