國立臺灣史前文化博物館:建築景觀再造工程 Reinterpretation of National Museum of Prehistory


Reinterpretation of National Museum of Prehistory

陳哲生建築師事務所|Ja-Sheng Chen Architects


1989年,因為臺東新站的遷移,在卑南挖掘到大量的史前遺址,訂定了臺灣是南島文化發源的重要事實。次年於康樂籌備「國立史前文化博物館」。1990年Michael Graves+沈祖海建築團隊贏得國際競圖。2002年,博物館落成開幕。






展廳的部份,我們保留了原設計中「考古向下挖掘」的意象,但移除了阻礙光線流動的坡道,改以一個十二米寬的階梯,自地面層直接向下進入展廳。加強了展廳的通透性與精神性。更使展示中廳更能如Michael Graves的理念,成為人們匯集的廣場。後方打除了廁所的四層樓板,引入天光,南島展示與自然能結為一氣。




Archaeologists have found a great amount of prehistory relic in Peinan during the construction of the new Taitung train station in 1989. The archaeological evidences show that pre-historic Taiwan was part of the Austronesian culture. These relics were intended to be exhibited in a new museum. In 1990, the American architect Michael Graves won the international competition for the Taitung Prehistory Museum, which was completed in 2002.


For over 20 years, the Prehistory Museum has suffered from issues of circulation for both the visitors and internally within the exhibition halls. The Mount Yard and Green house café were rarely use due to the torrid weather conditions of Taitung.

Furthermore the museum is transforming its own identity from an information-based venue to an experience-base one with the advent of the internet. In this renovation, we attempted to modernize the museum while reinforcing its spiritual qualities.


We found that the five main spaces of the museum: the entrance lobby, the Mountain Yard, the exhibition atrium, the education center and the backyard garden were isolated from each other. In order to connect them, we demolished four huge rarely used stairs to create a 12-meter-wide corridor as a new entrance axis. The corridor connects the five main spaces and allows a sense of unity within the museum.

To make the exhibition atrium more delightful, we demolished the 224m ramp to regain the use of sky lights and replaced it with a 12-meter-wide grand stair descending to the basement floor from the main corridor. This new stair respects the original Graves’ idea of “walking down into the ground”. Furthermore it allows natural light thus enhancing the spiritual orientation of atrium, allowing the atrium to respect even more the original architect’s idea of a plaza for the people. We also demolished four floor slabs in front of Austronesian Hall. This allows a better connection between the Austronesian Hall and the outdoor while creating a more pleasant visiting experience.

Reorganize museum program and space

We reorganize some of the museum’s original programmed spaces for a new generation museum visitors. The Education center was expanded to accommodate more parent and children activities. The restaurant was relocated to an unused corridor which is on a visible axis from lobby. And visitors can enjoy the view of backyard from the newly located restaurant. We designed a bridge for special exhibition. This allows an independent entry for an existing exhibition hall. Finally we designed an open gift shop and ticketing hall offering bright leisurely seating spaces for visitors. These programmatic changes will make the Prehistory Museum a museum for every citizen.