基隆國門廣場|零廣場 Keelung Gateway Plaza | O Plaza


Keelung Gateway Plaza | O Plaza

一口規劃設計顧問有限公司|Ecoscope Inc.




基隆曾經是臺灣最重要的海港,山城地理限制腹地擴張,進而妨礙其保持物流優勢地位的能力。在過去的30年中,基隆港競爭力降低使得港區核心都市區跟著衰落,發展力道往市郊周邊分散,而未集中在核心區主要的市民空間和公共基礎設施上。近年來基隆努力的翻轉這樣的規劃邏輯,首先以Vicente Guallart與仲觀聯合建築師事務所的海洋廣場(2009)開啟港口濱水區再生願景的序曲,最近完成的基隆火車站南北兩站將結合未來城際轉運站和更新的郵輪碼頭,有效地將聯外中長程公共交通運輸系統整合於海洋廣場以西的交通轉運廊道。





The fundamental challenge in designing Keelung’s new Gateway Plaza lies in the problem of both attempting to capture the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the time, while effectively inaugurating the ground for a collective project of urban [re]development. This has been the case with some of the most representative public squares throughout history and continues to be so in contemporary public space projects. Siena’s Piazza del Campo, dating back to the 14th century, serves as an iconic historical precedent to this premise.


If Keelung was once the most important seaport in Taiwan, orographic constraints limiting its expansion have thwarted its ability to maintain a logistical advantage. The port’s decline has, for the past 30 years, intoxicated the core of a city that has continued to decay while new development has tended to disperse out rather than concentrate around its principal civic spaces and public infrastructures. Keelung City’s planning efforts to counter this logic, following a vision for the regeneration of the port’s waterfront, began to come to fruition with Vicente Guallart’s Maritime Plaza (2009). Building upon this project’s success, the recently completed north and south railway stations will couple with a future streamlined inter-city bus station and new ferry terminals, effectively consolidating all mass transit along a single band to the western side of the Maritime Plaza.


At a time when we must realize the need to effect big change, change not only in view of trying to remedy global environmental crises, but also change directed toward ensuring our short-term cultural and economic survival, we call for an organizational concept that renews the social contract, much like the Noveschi did at the Piazza del Campo. ‘O’ becomes the fertile concept through which we draw a diagram that informs the multiple spheres at which the project aspires to operate. ‘O’ stands for island-nation and for global gateway; ‘O’ stands for creativity and for clean air; ‘O’ represents our origin while embodying our relative potential.

The site’s public vocation provides a unique opportunity to formally represent an idea of what it means to be Taiwanese in the 21st century. The site’s adjacency to the water relays the notion that, just like sea level is not a fixed datum, zero not an absolute value but a variable. The concept of relative potential invites us to understand the plaza as a social blanket that attempts to enfold century-old cultures and indigenous traditions with contemporary practices and cutting-edge technology. The ground design wants to speak of a multiplicity of plural multi-dimensional open spaces of collective assembly. The singularity of Taiwanese flavor is conceived to be represented through the delicate coincidence of multiple polymorphous paving cells of varying scales and elevation that define complex clouds of scattered material surficial patterns. These work by translating the diagram of an ‘atomized’ society whereby technologies of instant access and portable data delivery tools inform processes of both progressive democratization of knowledge and increased minority group differentiation and empowerment. Zero Plaza thus ultimately represents a space of dialogue in which to implement our shared vision of a maximal society. Landscape becomes the agency for massive-scale action and creative indigenous transformation.