還記得大學做畢業設計的時候,新竹科學園區才成立不久,沒想到三十年後, 2015年當我們鼓起勇氣決定來看看關埔國小的預定地開始,重劃才八年的關埔大工地,每天趕工,有的還在往下挖,有的已經準備要開補習班,每棟以不同的速度長高,沒注意就超過四十層以上,恐怖的是它們都差異不大,而且很快就住進去很多人,晚上燈火通明⋯⋯
Resistance is a necessary measure.
“Let’s build a diverse forest for children. Nature will become their best teacher in the future… ”
I recall when working on my college graduation project, Hsinchu Science Park was newly established. Little did I know that 30 years later, in 2015, we would muster the courage to visit the planned site for the Guangpu Elementary School. Hsinchu was already filled with ongoing construction sites. At that time, Guangpu was rezoned only for 8 years. Builders were racing to meet construction dead-lines. Some were even digging deeper, while others were already gearing up to open learning institutions. Buildings sprouted up at different paces, quickly exceeding 40 stories in height, and they all seemed frighteningly identical. People move into them immediately, lighting up buildings in the darkness of night.
Surrounded by this concrete jungle, the remaining patch of soil offered a rare chance for a different type of growth and nurturing. So, I wondered, how we could loosen up this land which was being strip away at a very rapid pace. How could we preserve its potential to evolve, adapt, and perpetually respond to the future?
The faculty and the principal were admirable and proactive educators, like farmers nurturing young saplings. Within the existing system, we realized the importance of providing a design that anticipated future needs while remaining flexible. Only by doing so could we not only win the competition but also stay true to our principles.
After gaining universal support for the overall planning, we had to get started on the kindergarten and lower-grade clusters to accommodate the influx of students already on waiting lists. Meanwhile, we phased the detailed design of the middle and upper grades clusters, adopting an iterative “build-as-we-go” approach to face students who are swarming into the school annually. We seize the chance during each season to work on the landscapes while trying to finalize the planning of public facilities shared with the community.
The kindergarten and lower-grade clusters, our earliest design, were strategically positioned in an urban corner where traffic could be managed independently. This area would embody the philosophy of mutual support and dynamic interaction in traffic at the intersection of Longshan East Road and Ciji Road.
We intentionally avoided creating recognizable forms to create an organic forest that expands horizontally. Its fragmented yet inclusive and limitless layout stood in contrast to the tall and luxurious apartments in the neighborhood, resisting those tedious, ubiquitous, predictable, and discordant vertical lines.
Classrooms are organically spaced apart but also stay close enough to each other. We planted as many trees as possible early on to create an ecological village. The varied density between trees allows breezes to flow freely, while the small and layered shields dispersed strong winds into gentle ones.
Salvaging the ability to learn with our bodies is like taking deep breaths, which happens naturally in every corner.
The size of a 25-student classroom was slightly larger than typical plantations in Taiwan and lacked a cozy familiarity. We partially fragmented these spaces to resemble tree canopies, which then overlapped one another.