進之宅 In House


In House

境衍設計 × 林柏陽建築師事務所 | Fieldevo Design Studio

19 世紀開始,西方秉棄純為裝飾而裝飾的作法,以機能主義「形隨機能」的觀點檢視當代建築,開始追求空間中構築和材料的真實性,這一論點是否直接界定了何謂「有用」或「無用」的空間?建築設計與工業、商業或服裝設計等其他的創造活動不同,建築坐落於土地上,有其相依的基地紋理和獨特的時空背景。在客觀條件下,不同的設計者依其主觀價值判斷發展出各式設計,而有各種的空間表情。無用之用而關於「空間用途」的討論,除了回應機能的需求,亦是設計者(使用者)心境的投射。「無用」的存在與「有用」的不存在,正是我們探討建築空間最微妙的關係之處。我們該如何看待東方文化脈絡中建築的精神性?當提到場所精神時,又該以什麼樣的觀點去看待場所空間裡的事物?以「無用」為思考起點,無特殊用途的虛空間是最容易看穿設計者意圖的切入點。

進之宅「三房兩廳」是容易理解的住宅平面架構,但此案以「三院兩進」來鋪陳居住與修行的空間序列:三院是在長形的基地內退讓出前院、中庭、後院,形成風的通道和光的容器;兩進則是由感知經驗所建立的意識空間。何謂居住?何為修行?能否利用空間的精神性來達到修行的境界,讓空間材料回歸到最真實的本質,讓身體感受一切最單純的空間尺度 — 居住、生活就是修行。

In the beginning of the 19th century, western architects abandoned decorative architectural elements and formed the concept of “form follows function”. The concept sought the 'truth' of modern architecture through materiality and space. However, did this concept distinctly define the practicability of a space? Unlike the mechanism of industrial, graphic and fashion design, buildings are constructed with respond to the site texture and unique space-time requirement. Architects designed in accordance to their subjective perception or knowledge and create different building expressions under particular objective conditions. The functionality of space is a projection of the designer’s mood apart from the reflection of the user’s needs. The existence of needless elements and lacking of pragmatic factors become a subtle matter in the discussions on space construction. How should we view the spirituality of architecture in the Oriental cultural context? What are the considerations of site context that should be valued when discussing the site essence? Based upon the initial thoughts of “ineffectiveness”, the impracticality of imaginary spaces are often the simplest way to sense an architect’s intents.

IN / House A familiar housing floor plan layout often equips ‘three bedrooms + two living rooms’; however, the INHouse project implements ‘three yards + two entrances’ to array the spatial flow of living and meditation areas: ‘three yards’ – dooryard, courtyard and backyard which act as a light vessel and wind aisle from the designated site offset; ‘two entrances’ – entry towards Zen arena built from sensory perceptual experiences. Are tangible living spaces likely to sublimate into spiritual meditation realm? What are livelihoods? What are meditations? The restoration of spatial materiality into its intrinsic quality in the INHouse allows human senses to appreciate the simplest form of a space. Perhaps, livelihood can always be equivalent to meditation.