十日町市中心市街地活性化基本計畫|市民交流中心-BUNJIRO、市民活動中心-JUJIRO Tokamachi Community Center "BUNJIRO" & Activity Center "JUJIRO"


Tokamachi Community Center "BUNJIRO" & Activity Center "JUJIRO"

青木淳建築計畫事務所|Jun Aoki & Associates



“BUNJIRO” and “JUJIRO” are situated at a slight distance from Tokamachi’s city center. Although they have been created through renovating office buildings and are both facilities that take on somewhat of a community center role, “BUNJIRO” functions more as a place of exchange whereas “JUJIRO” expresses its character as a place for creative activities. Both facilities have been shaped through the direct demands of the citizens and the needs of the town that had been discerned through exchanges with the local people at “branch.” For example, the former is a tearoom that had been relocated to the second floor of “BUNJIRO” and the latter is the “Market Plaza,” a semi-outdoor atrium space extending across two floors and provided in the frontage of the two buildings.

In this respect, the contents that had been cultivated in parallel to the functions had further developed through their mutual influence on one another. As a result, the Japanese style room on the second floor of “BUNJIRO” had drawn from the experience of the tea ceremonies held at “branch” and was made so that the room itself could be extended. The partitions on the second floor of “JUJIRO” were established in a self-built way that allowed them to be moved and updated accordingly, taking inspiration from the diverse activities of differing contents and scale that had taken place at the “branch.”