2015年夏天的颳風「蘇迪勒」罕見的造成樹木巨大的災難 !台北盡是「枝」滿地,景況淒涼。本作品即想利用回收枝葉,將渺小,輕微的樹枝羣聚起來,並用颱風旋渦般的形態回應颱風本身!
Typhoon Soudelor in summer 2015 caused severe damage to the trees. In Taipei, branches scattered everywhere and city outlook was bleak. This project wants to respond to Soudelor by recycling these small and negligible branches and making it a form of vortex. A twig inside stretch out, just like these fragile dead branches want to regain a new life. As human beings, we should learn from it and always hold hopes.