璞園春生生 Pauian Chun Sheng Sheng


Pauian Chun Sheng Sheng

清水建築工坊x Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten x 胡永復建築師事務所|Fuguach Architecture x Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten x Yong-Fu,Hu Architects



春生生是位於新北市三重的都更案。基地狹長曲折只有一短側面向市街,並與鄰里、市場緊密相接,充分反映出過去生活姿態的巷弄空間。面對這個具有豐富精神的基地,我們希望在新的設計介入後,也能保留既有的巷弄經驗。在與業主、地主溝通後,保留了基地內與在地居民有緊密情感的生春診所的立面空間,然後再疊上新的集合住宅空間。設計量體呈T字型,以重新路一段為起點向內延伸,在巷內轉向展開。我們藉此機會設計了一個基座來整理後巷關係,擷取基地周圍的色彩元素,我們採用三色混磚、棕色格柵、黑色面磚、白色格柵與水平飾帶來作為我們的立面計劃,創造虛實交錯的建築表情,以一個較沉穩的姿態回應基地周圍生猛的違章。回家的動線以舊建築為起點,透過路徑的轉折和光線的引導,與過往相近的巷弄尺度下喚起似曾相似的空間經驗。 我們期待這個舊房子能成為此案中的一個記憶參考點,不僅是再現住戶回家的經驗,且公共性能在新房子存在的同時,延續下去。

Publicity of Space and Time

As urban renewal becomes a means for urban continuity, we seek new ways to preserve the public civility of the site that is being redeveloped. We are sensitive not to erase the historic context of the site, understanding that it is a link between past and future.

Chun Sheng Sheng, a city renewal project, is located in the Sanchong District of New Taipei City. The lot is narrow and winding. It reflects the lives of people living in small alleys, connected to the streets, the neighborhood, and the market through the narrowest side of the lot. We hope the new design will preserve the experience of living in the alleys. Through discussions with the land owners the façade of an existing clinic was preserved. The clinic provided a historic connection for the residences of the new apartment complex. The overall massing of the building is “T”-shaped. The tip faces the main road and widens towards the back alley. In order to better integrate the new elevation with the back alley, we added a base datum to the building to respond to the scale of the alley. Evoking colors from the existing context, we developed an elevation design based on three mixed colored tiles, white and brown gratings, black face brick tile, and frieze. With an architectural expression of solids and voids, the building is a rather calming presence within the area’s hustle and bustle. The preservation of the old entrance, the winding passages and the guidance lights evoke the experience of life in the alleys. The preservation of the old clinic represents a kind of “coming home” for the new residences. It preserves the civic domain of the neighborhood and co-exists comfortably with the new building.