
Sacred Heart High School for Girls

丹下健三|Kenzo Tange



Sacred Heart High School for Girls

丹下健三|Kenzo Tange




Sacred Heart High School for Girls (completed in 1967, formerly Taipei University of the Sacred Heart) is situated at the foot of Guanyin Mountain in Bali. It is the first work by Japanese architect Tange Kenzo (1913-2005) to be completed overseas. Not only can it be viewed as the emblem of Corbusian brutalism in Taiwan, it is also the most important realized regionalist work in Taiwan that fuses modernism and Japanese Metabolism. Here, Tange argues the campus is about enabling people to continuously interact in expected and unexpected spaces of interest; contact between teachers and students should not be confined to 90-degree angles, but rather span out into multiple angles. Architecture becomes a kind of metabolite, creating many loose and rich behavioral spaces. His proposal for the site is to follow the original topography as a principle; the hill topography and north-south orientation are leveraged to organize building volumes in multiple directions. Thus, the overall spatial structure is laid out according to the logics of reflecting the campus ontology onto the spatial strategies.

First, the principles of functionalism are applied to shape every building into identifiable typologies of individual spaces based on functional differences. The same principles are then put in place within the environmental framework to derive outdoor spaces of varying hierarchies and forms. The building heights are consolidated and capped at three stories: the tallest volume is the administrative building (now convent), followed by the restaurant and religious and gathering spaces (now meditation center), and finally the linking bridges. The indoor and outdoor spaces within the three structures with three different heights crisscross and intersect, allowing rich confluences of functional activities and spatial experiences. To fulfill the need to develop a flexible yet orderly campus, Tange places five vertical towers, each with its own qualities, as control points for service load and then link the main structures in all directions using horizontal bridges. When the spatial load is exceeded, a new unit (vertical tower) is to be generated like a divided cell, creating a new group of functional areas--the extensible and expandable mechanism of the Japanese Metabolism. Although only one third of the original campus master plan has been completed, this remarkable dialogue between modernism and Metabolism may still be vividly experienced and read at multiple scales within the site plan, volumetric framework and intersecting solids and voids.

With regards to the structure, modernism vocabulary may be found in the de-ornamentation of the surfaces of the dormitory and restaurant roof and expression of inverted beams in the exposed post-and-beam system; conveyance of the essence is achieved through intuitive reflection of the structural forces. In addition, although details like the large cast-concrete openings, rough exterior wall surfaces and introduction of natural light from the stairs have clear Corbusian roots, adaptation to local construction techniques is also evident. Namely, textures expressed by the materials in the way they were put together in Taiwan could not meet the original expectation, so Le Corbusier's brutalist interpretation of concrete as a material was replaced with an exposed rough aggregate finish. With refined variations of this surface material--differing textures in exposed aggregate or fine or rough plastering, Tange manages to cement a spatial consistency and shape refined and abundant experiences with the details.(by Shao-Yu Huang)