
The Taiwan – Reyhanli Centre for World Citizens

裘振宇 × Studio Cho|Chen-Yu, Chiu × Studio Cho



The Taiwan – Reyhanli Centre for World Citizens

裘振宇 × Studio Cho|Chen-Yu, Chiu × Studio Cho






拱形屋頂是由折疊金屬薄板所建成,這種拱形建築回應了中亞地區的建築遺產。舉例來說,拱頂的大小由阿勒坡的大烏馬亞德清真寺 (the Great Umayyad Mosque)的拱形迴廊所啟發,而其優美的雙曲線形狀的靈感則是來自於公元前1200年哈圖夏(Hattusa)的石拱構造。











Walls for shelters, not for border; Walls for humanity, not for military

The prefabricated concrete blocks were originally intended as the border walls between Syria and Turkey. For the Centre, they were repurposed as the main structural elements and partitions.

Living under Islamic vaults

The folded metal sheets were applied for building a shell roof structure the represents the form of architectural heritage in the Middle-Asia. For example, the size of the shell is similar to the vaulted room in the Great Umayyad Mosque in Aleppo, and the shape can be referred to the ancient vault in Hattusa (1200 BC).

Transitional shelter embodied with collaborative construction

The beneficiaries themselves will fill in the space of each unit under the shell roofs, with the supports and management of the organizing team. By building the indoor units together, it provides a chance to build a truly integrated and inclusive community.

A modern Islamic monument for humanity

With the repetitive and analogous building elements and representational built forms and spaces, the Centre echoes the historical arasta, bazaar, caravanserai, madrasa, cami and bedesten. These buildings make the mobility in the olden days possible, which is in line with the Centre’s purpose of serving the ‘guests’ from Syria by the ‘hosts’ in Turkey.

A landscape with ruin for new civilization

The centre is embodied with two linear parks separately aligning with the south and north façade. These two parks featured with large broken stones taken from the border and native plants to represent the ruin as the result of the war in which the Centre is the establishment of the new civilization.

Central courtyards and gardens for community

There are three semi-enclosed courtyards and three gardens located in the middle of the Centre for varied events and activities of diverse groups and users. One courtyard in the near future will be converted into an outdoor concert hall; one will be the outdoor cinema; and the other one will be transformed into an art gallery.

Broken and collapsed concrete walls for recreation and education

Previously broken and abandoned concrete blocks in the town are recycled and applied as the elements for children’s playground onsite – no barriers can stop the mobility of our children!