

Towards a Biophilic Future: Culture, Beauty, and Human Nature (Pt.2)

Juhani Pallasmaa |翻譯:王品禾



首先,我們必須接受歷史價值的意義,並體現人類存在、經驗、認知與記憶的本質。就如梅洛龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)所書,「畫家會與他的身體一同創作……我們的確無法想像意識怎麼作畫。」上述的論點也適用於建築師。建築使我們存在於世界的身體經驗被表達出來,並且觸及到存在的最深處,也就是說建築在不知不覺中深刻地呈現我們的身體,我們和我們所存在的世界共構了一個連續體。(全文請見《實構築季刊》09期)

I believe, that the view of ourselves that prevails in the thinking, of the technologized world, daily practices and education, also has to be fundamentally re-evaluated. Edward Wilson argues: “All of man’s troubles may well arise … from the fact that we do not know what we are and do not agree on what we want to become”.⑭ We need to give up the hubris of regarding ourselves as the centre piece of the Universe, and as the Homo Sapiens, the humans who know. The fact is that at the face of the complexities of the world, human knowledge and understanding are more limited than we believe.

Without going too far into the issues of our own humanity, which arise from philosophical and ethical judgement as well as recent scientific thinking, I want to mention some of the areas that need to be reconsidered. These suggestions have also direct implications on architecture.

Firstly, we need to accept the essentially historical and embodied essence of human existence, experience, cognition and memory. As Maurice Merleau-Ponty writes, “The painter takes his body with him ... Indeed, we cannot imagine how a mind could paint”.⑮ We can say the very same about architects; architecture is constituted in our embodied way of being in the world and it articulates that very mode of being. Besides, our buildings unconsciously and deeply represent our own body; we and our world constitute a continuum.