由倫敦倫敦Kings Cross車站開發計畫檢視華山園區二十年來的再利用課題

由倫敦倫敦Kings Cross車站開發計畫檢視華山園區二十年來的再利用課題

Rethinking the Reuse Issue of Huashan Creative Park in the past 20 years through the King’s Cross Plan

張崑振 Kun-Chen Chang

華山文創園區成立於1998年,原由生產清酒、精製樟腦二家工廠組成。其中,1912年成立的芳釀合名會社,為全台最大民間日本清酒生產工廠,而1918年成立的日本樟腦會社,則是日本政府為掌控全球精製樟腦市場而扶植成立的工廠。這些獨具特色的工業遺產變更為文化創意園區迄今已超過二十餘年。期間,曾發生「假文創」爭議,一個以餐飲商業為主的經營模式,如何兼顧遺產價值的彰顯與保護,成為近年台灣工業遺產保護非常關心的課題。本文援引倫敦近年Kings Cross車站開發計畫,以及計畫區落煤廠房改造的經驗,重新檢視華山園區再利用過程中的爭議與課題。(全文請見《實構築季刊》13期)

The Huashan Creative Park was established in 1998. It was originally composed of two companies. The “Houjou Wine Company” was established in 1912. It was the largest private sake producer in Taiwan. And The “Japan Camphor Company, Taihoku Branch” was established in 1918, as a factory allowing the Japanese government control of the global camphor market . For more than 20 years, the Huashan Creative Park has become the most famous and energetic base in Taipei. However, due to the involvement of big businesses, there has been a debate on "Fake Cultural Creative ". It is operating in a restaurant-oriented business model. How to popularize and protect the value of industry heritage has become an issue of great concern in Taiwan in recent years. This paper examines the Kings Cross Plan, as well as the experience of the renovation of two old coal drop houses in the planned area. This allows a reexamination of the problems in the process of reuse in the Huashan Creative Park.