泉.場 QUAN



共序工事建築設計事務所|Üroborus Studiolab







QUAN is located in Sanchong Dingkan Industrial Zone, Taiwan. It is a typical street house commonly seen in Taiwan. It shares the same violent and unregulated architectural forms as the surrounding environment, such as iron cover and illegal construction. The building skin has experienced traces of use over time. After the site survey, we found that this area has a unique urban context and historical traces, which also triggers how we locate QUAN.

QUAN was formerly an elevator steering wheel and parts processing factory. After the second generation Mr. Zhang took over, he hoped to transform the operation mode of traditional mass production and foundry, and began to represent foreign elevator parts; A product of quality and craftsmanship, with the added value of bringing a chain of beauty, memories and new sensations. It is also because of this belief that the factory can also deepen the branch chain of novel and diverse aspects, and become a place for exhibitions, as well as an "elevator selection shop" that provides free design shapes and full customization of equipment selection. Compound open space with elevator service. The three-storey plan includes: the exhibition space on the third floor, the reception and office space on the second floor, and the new type of cargo storage and transportation space on the first floor.

North-East Façade

A thin and transparent material is used to slightly isolate the inside and the outside of the building. In the design, a silver-gray orchid net with metallic luster is chosen. A pure and abstract surface reflects the surrounding environment like a canvas. It conforms to the surrounding city. The temperament of the city, the smell and sound of the city, plus the blowing of the wind and the floating of the mesh, are always springs. The field brings out a different look.

South-East Façade

The iron structure is used to make cuts with the openings on the facade. The vertical and horizontal line divisions echo the telephone poles and wires on the side street. A complex and organic surface, like a hermit, integrates the surrounding environment and strengthens the surrounding environment, intricate, lively and casual urban state, re-enjoy the original flavor belonging to Taiwan's industrial zone.