台灣厝 1 House For All


1 House For All

國立陽明交通大學跨領域設計科學研究中心|NYCU TDIS


本案基於對未來都市住居議題的研究,以台北市大同區連棟街屋在都市更新時留下的狹長閒置空地為基地,針對現下都更遲緩、房價高漲與能耗飆升等問題,團隊設計並親手打造以台灣都市為起點並可作為其他都市借鏡的永續住宅原型屋「台灣厝1 House for All」,並以此案遠赴德國競賽,獲得「2022歐洲盃太陽能十項全能綠建築競賽」建築首獎及創新銅獎,並將持續在德國Wuppertal作為永續生活實驗室及教育研發基地。

為填滿空缺而生:「台灣厝1 House For All」




A Sustainable Architectural Prototype: The Local Urban Context

The potential sites for this project are the spatial gaps between row houses in Datong District, Taipei. There gaps are vacant lots preparing for future urban renewal developments. Based on studies of future urban living, the team at NYCU TDIS (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University’s Transdisciplinary Design Innovation Shop) developed a sustainable architectural prototype dubbed ‘1 House for All’. The design is to solve problems of delayed renewal, soaring housing prices and high energy consumption in cities. The demonstration unit was built in Wuppertal, Germany and participated in the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 Competition. The winner of 1st prize in the Architecture category and 3rd prize in the Innovation category , ‘1 House for All’ will remain on-site for the follow-up project, Living Lab NRW, continuing to support research and education.

Born to fill the gaps: "1 House for All"

In a 5-meter-wide row house module, three major design elements are inserted. The "Party Core Wall" is a transformation of the common wall, from structural element into space. With this design, service elements such as kitchen, bathroom, mechanical room and movable furniture storage will be integrated. The "Civic Plate" provides the main living space with the flexibility to fulfill different needs. The "Equality skin" On the building facade and roof provides functions such as PV, solar heat collector, rainwater recycling, green roofs, vertical vegetable gardens, etc. Taken together, the three design elements will provide infrastructure in different scales, to the building, the neighborhood and the city. This will create sustainable, low-carbon, and healthy lifestyle.

The New Aesthetics of Sustainability: The First Made-in-Taiwan Engineered Timber Building

This project aimed to design a net zero carbon emission building. It is the first instance of Taiwanese cedar employed in the manufacturing of glulam timber (GLT) and cross laminate timber (CLT). Working with the SE building technique and circular design methodology, the ‘1 House for All’ project is a reversible design. The house can be assembled and disassembled for multiple times maintaining the resistance to both earthquakes in Taiwan and snow loads in Germany. In the demonstration unit, timber structures were partially exposed. This reduced the time of construction, lessened the environmental contamination of the construction site and simplified the procedure for future maintenance. This produced a new aesthetics combining the naturalness wood and hardness of steel.