藍盒子 Blue Box


Blue Box



藍盒子的藍有別於球劇場、大劇院,是更為深邃的Pantone 648C深藍,顛覆「黑盒子劇場一定要黑色」的既定印象,在入場時提供觀眾沉浸而不壓迫的空間,而當表演開始燈光關掉時,深藍色的吸光效果形成比黑色還深沉的背景,以突出表演效果。

The Blue Box is an atypical experimental theater, located opposite the Grand Theater and on the same level. The 800-seat multiform theater supports different stage configurations. The seating is flexible, and can be adjusted in terms of depth, height, and location for the thrust stage, the freeform stage, or the two-sided stage. The technical grid supports the lighting,scenography, and other facility settings for different stage configurations. The movable walls allow the audience circulation routes to be adapted for different performances. One side of the walls is sound absorbent, and the other side is sound reflective, creating different acoustic environments.

The interior of Blue Box is a deep Pantone 648C blue, subverting the convention that a black box must be black in color. The color creates an immersive, yet not oppressive space. When the lights are turned off before a performance, the light absorbent blue color forms an even darker background to highlight the start of the performance.