
House W. for Stray Dogs

Behet Bondzio Lin Architects × 清水建築工坊 × 王吉聰建築師事務所|Behet Bondzio Lin Architects × Fuguach Architecture × J. T. Wang Architect



House W. for Stray Dogs

Behet Bondzio Lin Architects × 清水建築工坊 × 王吉聰建築師事務所|Behet Bondzio Lin Architects × Fuguach Architecture × J. T. Wang Architect




Ms. Wang who lives in Taichung is a dog lover. She kept many stray dogs in her single storey condominium. Two years ago, in order to give her fury kids a larger place to roam she decided to leave the noisy city and live in the country side.

Her new home is on a diamond shaped site of 289m2. The design consists of four different open spaces, providing ample spaces for the dogs. The front entrance and yard faces a large rice paddy field across the road. The backyard occupies a quarter of the site providing enough space for the dogs to run and play. The front balcony on the second floor becomes a peaceful and comfortable space for naps. Large French windows connect outside and inside with strong visual connectedness for dogs and owner. This provides a sense of safety allowing her injured dogs to recover gradually in nature’s living room.

The four different open spaces provide nature and the outdoors to the dogs instead of the cramped urban environment of before. Avoiding the mess and the noise, the new design is filled with warm sunshine and brisk breeze. It contains multiple relationships between people, architecture, dogs, and nature. Architecture is the crucial link between dogs, environment and humans. The needs of the dogs were the inspiration and basis for planning the house. Through the design of the spatial experience, texture and detail, it is hoped that a better quality living space for dogs and humans will arise.